The Best K9 Off Leash Training Locations For Optimal Results
A well-behaved, properly socialized dog will not only make an excellent companion but the animal’s life will also be enriched. They will be able to
New Year, New Pup! Get Started with Puppy Training Classes in NJ
Happy new year! Did you get that puppy you wanted for Christmas? If so, you definitely have the best parents, friend, or partner ever! You
How to Find the Best Dog Trainer NJ: A Canine Friendly Guide
Your dog deserves the best. They are humankind’s “best friend” after all. But given the hundreds of dog trainers serving the garden state, how can
Puppy Training Program: The Best Gift to Give Your Furry Friend
With Thanksgiving in just a few days, the holiday season is well underway. Soon enough, plenty of parents will be out Christmas shopping for their
Dog Behavior Specialist in NJ – What Exactly Do They Do?
Does your dog eat your shoes for breakfast? Does your dog enter terminator mode when guests enter your home? Does your dog beg at the
How to Rock Your Walk: The Benefits of Dog Walking, Tips and Tricks
Exercise is good for you, right? Well, guess what, it’s good for your dog too! Walking your furry friend at least once a day is
Creating The Perfect Puppy Diet Plan For Your Furry Friend
Congratulations! You just got yourself a new puppy. When you’re finished admiring your adorable little friend, the panic starts to set in. “Is my puppy
Board and Train NJ: Sending Your Dog to Boarding School!
Getting sent off to boarding school may be a common threat used by sitcom parents to discipline their children; however, it definitely does not apply
Understanding The Benefits of In-Home, Indoor Dog Training
Dog owners encounter a lot of road blocks when it comes to finally pulling the trigger on professional dog training. Many are either in denial
Training a Puppy vs Training a Dog – What’s The Difference?
When looking for a four-legged friend, there’s always a debate on whether to get a new puppy or adopt an adult dog. New pups are
Off Leash Dog Training – What Is It And Where Do You Start?
Training a dog properly is about maintaining control and attentiveness. This is significantly more difficult to do when the dog isn’t leashed. Training without a
Advanced Dog Training NJ | Go Fetch Me a Beer!
Sparky, go fetch me a beer! We’ve seen it in movies and sitcoms, but can you actually train your dog to grab you a drink
Dog Behaviorist ProTips To Stop Puppy Biting
One of the most common questions people ask their dog behaviorist is how to stop their puppy from biting or nipping. Puppies need to learn
How To Help Your Anxious Dog Relax
Is your four-legged friend a bit on the anxious side? Anxiety in dogs is common but manifests itself in different ways. Some dogs shake uncontrollably,