advanced private lesson (off-leash)

The Advanced Private Lessons are one hour a week for eight weeks.

this program includes:

Improved Focus Skills
Decreased Bad Behavior
Command Obediance
Trained Attentiveness
dog training in new jersey

Having confidence in your dog to not run away or display any bad behaviors in a new environment will prove to be a huge relief.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

The Advanced Private Lessons are a series of one-hour sessions held once a week for eight weeks. These lessons focus on training dogs in advanced off-leash commands.

The program covers advanced off-leash commands including place, sit, down, come, and heel. It is designed to provide dogs with the skills needed for more challenging environments and situations.

Participants receive an E-Collar with a formal class on its proper use and maintenance, copies of all commands, a free clicker for reinforcement, and free follow-up calls and lessons for the dog’s lifespan.

This program is particularly suited for avid hikers and travelers who wish to bring their dogs along on adventures. It’s targeted towards owners who need their dogs to be reliable in off-leash settings and new environments.

Completing this program will give owners confidence in their dog’s ability to behave and respond to commands in various settings, ensuring safety and reliability during outdoor activities and travels.

We focus on pairing physical and verbal cues with each command, ensuring that the dog not only understands the commands but also responds reliably in off-leash situations.

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