If you’re searching for dog training online, you may be surprised to learn that there are different types of training. To choose the right training for your dog, you need to understand how they differ. Behavior modification dog training and obedience training are two distinct approaches to teaching a dog how to behave appropriately in different situations.
Obedience Dog Training
Obedience training focuses on using rewards and punishment to shape behavior. It teaches commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel with the goal of having the dog respond quickly and consistently when given a specific command. Obedience training generally does not address underlying behavioral issues. It is most effective when used as a preventative tool – teaching dogs how to behave before problem behaviors before they escalate.
Behavior Modification Dog Training
Behavior modification training takes a more holistic approach and works towards changing behavior by addressing the underlying cause. It uses positive reinforcement or reward-based techniques such as clicker training to teach basic skills and encourage desired behaviors. The end result is that behavior modification can help create a lasting behavior change in dogs beyond just obeying commands.
Common Behavior Problems
There are a variety of different issues that can be addressed with behavior modification dog training. Let’s take a look at some of the most common behavior issues dog owners experience with their canine buddies.
Barking is one of the most common problems that pet owners face. A behavior modification approach to addressing this behavior focuses on understanding why your dog is barking and then working with them to teach alternative behaviors. This can be done through positive reinforcement such as providing treats for desirable behavior, redirecting attention to more appropriate activities, and reinforcing calm behavior.
Dogs may jump because they are excited or seeking attention from people. To address jumping, a behavior modification approach would involve teaching your pet an alternate behavior – such as sitting – that you can reward when they sit instead of jumping. It is important to remember not to punish the bad behavior, as that can lead to fear and anxiety, and only reward the desirable behavior.

Chewing is another common behavior problem that pet owners may encounter. One behavior modification dog training approach to address chewing behavior is to provide your dog with appropriate items for them to chew on, such as chew toys, and then reward them when they engage with these items instead of your furniture or other household items. Additionally, providing plenty of playtime and exercise can help curb this behavior.
Separation Anxiety
Separation anxiety affects dogs of all ages and breeds but can be particularly difficult for puppies who have just been adopted into a new home. Behavior modification techniques are typically used to help desensitize the dog to the experience of being left alone and teach them how to find positive ways to cope with their fear or stress in those situations. This involves slowly exposing them to brief periods away from their owners, increasing gradually over time until they are comfortable being apart for longer durations. Positive reinforcement such as treats and verbal praise helps to create a positive association with being left alone, eventually resolving the separation anxiety.
Professional Behavior Modification Dog Training
At Beau’s K9 Academy, our seasoned team of trainers and specialists will be able to help solve your dog’s behavior problems quickly and effectively. The goal is to bridge the gap between how you and your canine companion perceive the world around you and help you create a strong and meaningful bond.

We offer an extensive selection of training classes. Whether you want to enroll in private lessons or sign your pup up for board and train, our compassionate professionals are eager to help. Reach out today to get the best possible training for your dog.